black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Découvrez James Crew Records

Label de production musicale.

Évaluations des artistes : 5 étoiles


À propos de nous

James Crew Records est un label de production musicale.

a close up of a person pressing buttons on an electronic device
a close up of a person pressing buttons on an electronic device
man in red long sleeve shirt sitting in front of computer
man in red long sleeve shirt sitting in front of computer

James Crew Records

Production Musicale

Nous produisons des morceaux captivants, élaborés pour mettre en valeur le talent de chaque artiste.

person playing brown and white acoustic guitars
person playing brown and white acoustic guitars
black and white electric piano keyboard
black and white electric piano keyboard
gray microphone in room
gray microphone in room

Galerie Artistique

Projets musicaux uniques.

green plant with black and white ceramic potted near window
green plant with black and white ceramic potted near window
guitar amplifier near drum instrument
guitar amplifier near drum instrument